Thursday 5 May 2011

Thursday 31 March 2011



In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


In the film. Bullet boy and my Film, Slums ...Infamous J and Ricky are in similar as they are both of an ethnic origin, they are grammatically alike as they both tend to speak in slang using words like 'blood, and cuz' They also both play a brotherly role in their own different way, Infamous J plays the role of an older role model to Paul, whether its a bad role model or a negative one he still has the power to influence Paul's actions as shown in the film; this is similar to the character Ricky from Bullet Boy as he tries to guide his little brother through the rough area which they grew up in. The difference between the two characters is that Ricky had possitive intentions for his brother but these positive intentions where all being distroyed by he's gang affiliated lifestyle, whilst Infamous J did not truely have any love for Paul and was only manipulating him to do his dirty work.

As shown in the images above, both Ricky and Infamous J are seen in hooded sporting clothing, this reinforces the general stereotypical views that all male ethnic are running from the law, using hooded tops to keep their identity hidden.


My film will mainly be targeted at youths withing the African/Caribbean origin but will also be translatable to any youth within an ethnic background. The target age for this product will be to teenagers between the ages of 13 - 19, i chose this age due to the fact that the genre is crime/drama , this is something to definitely get the youths excited, however the other reason i chose to support this age group is because due to my general knowledge and statistics from  i was able to select the delicate ages which are being affected by crime. 

My target group would have the taste for the finer things in life, designer clothing, the lastest computer games.They'll be intrested in going out, having a laugh and simply living life. Theyre likely to be shopping in regular local sites such as shown below.

The type of music my target would listen to would probably be Bashment, hip hop, rap, r&b, funky house anything current, m pretty sure they would rather go to a theater, prior to a cinema.

 Their favourite tv programs will be 


Looking back my preliminary task, i feel i have developed as a media student in many ways, i am now more aware on the importance of the equipments used in filming a media text such as a Tripod, this is an essential that my preliminary task lacked which made it look unbalanced and amature. Also since my preliminary task my editing knowledge has increased as i am now able to make freeze frames and synchronise cuts within the scene.

I have also been introduced to the importance of the 180 degree rule and i'm now more confident and certain in terms of when and where it should be used and how it can be broken but effectively.

long shot.....

Monday 14 February 2011

Animatics/ Storyboards

A Storyboard can be as simple as this.
Stick figure storyboard example
Drawn with a Pencil or a pen, or can even be created with pictures from magazine and even photo graphs for all you non drawers. Storyboards are an essential to a great movie, as its a plan and a rough summary of the visual ideas in the directors head. Using a storyboard helps in organising your film. They also help to paint a vivid picture of your intentions which will be the guideline whilst shooting. Creating an animatic is the step before shooting and the step after the storyboard. Animatics take an awful lot of time, however it is a cheap and effective way of getting a clear pre visual of your product before shooting.

Here is a Clip of the Animatic process taken to construct The Lord Of The Rings.

As said in the Clip, this is a good strategy as it gives the actors a sense of the emotion and movement expected from them, these animatics can even contain voice overs in order to make it seems life formed.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Tripod - Three legged stand that helped us stablise our shots.

Apple imac - This was the computer which Haringey Sixth Form supplied us with in order to create our films.

Final Cut Express 4 - this is the software i used to edit my footage

Canon 550D - i had to used this camera because, all the sony camera's where fully booked so i had to use my own camera as laast resort.

Editing Process

I used a program called Final Cut to edit the footages to my film, however this was not an easy process ...Whilst editing, i found a few things difficult such as cutting and trimming clips but also trying not to make the clip seem rushed, i also had a hard time figuring out how to freeze frame, i had to ask a student for help. It was also difficult to adapt to the Mac computer this was different from what i was used to so editing was twice as hard.
However there were quite a few positives as I've previously edited things in the past for fun so i fort it really easy to adapt to the buttons and icons.

During my editing i used one effect, this effect was called
BAD TV, this was a distorted effect which made the screen fuzzy. i used this as it resembled a cctv camera. i wanted a cctv because this film was about crime therefore the character had been monitored from the beginning of his journey without his awareness and i thought this was a perfect way to tell the audience this. However if i could improve of something, i would go back, research then download much better transitions along with fonts.


This is a french word which originated from the theatres, this word means, 'Put in the scene'


 The locations set for my film was an Estate
This conforms with the general ideology that most criminal are raised in estates or council flats
The intention was to make the story seem a bit more believable.


We used a red car because in most cases , Red symbolises Evil.
This spanking new car allows the viewers to doubt Infamous bought this car legitly.


 The white collared shirt on Paul was to indicate his intelligence due to education, also the white stands for Good/purity... but as u can see, the purity in being eaten up by a thick black hooded jacket, this shows he has good intentions within but evil swamps his as soon as he returns home. 
Infamous J is dressed in a thick black jacket with a dark hooded top underneath this suggests he had no remorse .. No good intentions within.. also the designer NIKE is a sporting clothing ... this suggests he's 


This soundtrack is used in the introduction to my film. I decided to use this particular song because the lyrics explain the struggles of living in London city, the dilema's within peer pressure, this relates to my film perfectly, i think my targeted audience will immediately be hook and intrigued, also they were no copyright issues as the artists are my close friends so i just had to ask for their consent. 

This song was made by ... SP CARLITO